Allen William Seaby

1867 – 1953

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The influential woodcut artist Allen William Seaby was, rather appropriately, the son of a cabinet maker and carpenter. He studied the art of colour woodcut printing at the Reading School of Art under the pioneer of Japanese woodcut printing in Britain, Frank Morley Fletcher and he went on to become a member of staff at Reading in 1899, remaining there for the rest of his career. A.W.Seaby became a particular expert in the art of colour woodcut printmaking and his prints were exhibited worldwide. He won the gold medal for colour woodcut printmaking in Milan in 1906, and the gold medal at the Printmaker’s Society of California in Los Angeles in 1937. Allen William Seaby was also a watercolourist and book illustrator. Seaby specialised in the depiction of British wildlife, and in particular in the depiction of birds.